more difficult to sustain. New Hampshire is no longer the "Live Free or Die" state. Time to move. AridZona does not have so many restrictions on nomads.
Thanksgiving. This year's race for the Thanksgiving Turkey was a little more organised than last; I had a clear goal, an appointment for dinner with friends in Alamosa, however the road 'tween here and there was fraught with surprises. I have my health to be thankful for. Some good Karma and a heap of Feng Shui. Aside from a reasonable supply of Diesel what more could a nomad ask for.
Special Thanks to Betty who writes ...on the subject of typing and typographical errors: When my hands are cold, I cannot type.  And when it is too warm, and hands are sweaty, I hit wrong keys because fingers slip.  And when the weather is neither too hot, nor too cold, I am distracted by the perfect magnificence of nature and my thoughts whirl faster than my fingers.
Special Thanks to Ann and Jeff for their gift of a new old computer and the opportunity to spend a couple of years of Gopu's educational fund filling it up with high tech geek stuff.
Special Thanks to those of you who steadfastly maintain correspondence and conversation. It means a great deal to me tho there are times when I feel unworthy of your love.
Most Special Thanks to CyB for their continued support. Their faith gives me reason to continue.

It costs only $200 a year to keep Gopu in school at Erode; it costs nearly that much per week to live here. How can that be?

2002 November, probly the last time I was in NH. Visiting Shelia and Jim D. The spider plants haven't changed much either.                                      --foto by Shelia